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“We Don’t Move On”: Watch This TED Talk On The Journey Through Loss And Grief

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Dealing with loss isn’t easy. We know it’s going to happen, and may know when, but dealing with that loss is not easy. Grief can be associated with the death or loss of a loved one. However, any sort of loss can lead to grief.


Grieving may occur when you lose something or someone important to you. In this case, the latter is what many seek solace from. They seek a means to just ‘get over it’, but for as long as you live, that memory will remain. You may forget sometimes, but it tends to come knocking when you least expect it.


Try as you may, you can’t escape it by pretending like it never happened. You should simply express yourself because you’re allowed to feel that emotion, then seek the help of someone to guide you through it if it feels too much too handle. Remember this too, talking can go a long way in helping you.



How you react depends on the kind of loss you had. It also depends on your personality, your upbringing, religion, age, relationship and your mental and physical health. While some may find it easier to cope, for others it hits them pretty hard.


The pain could get so overwhelming it could be detrimental to their health. The sleeping pattern, eating pattern and overall health could be affected in the long run. Sometimes, people believe their lost ones visit them in person or in their dreams. That’s the extent of how much they miss them because they tend to conjure up memories of the past.


Reactions could also vary. Anger, anxiety and depression are some of the effects of loss on you.


Truth is, there is no one way to get over grieve. You may speak with a therapist to get through it, but sometimes all you need is a self talk to get you out of the rut. The truth is, you don’t move on from grief but simply move forward from it.


Steps on Dealing With Grief and Loss



Melinda Smith, Lawrence Robinson and Jeanne Segal in an article shared on Help Guide outline six steps on dealing with grief and loss.

  1. Acknowledge your pain.
  2. Accept that grief can trigger many different and unexpected emotions.
  3. Understand that your grieving process will be unique to you.
  4. Seek out face-to-face support from people who care about you.
  5. Support yourself emotionally by taking care of yourself physically.
  6. Recognise the difference between grief and depression.


Whatever loss you’re going through, we hope this helps you move forward. You can also reach out if you need someone to talk to. Loss hurts, and we understand that. But you are strong and you will get through this soon.

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