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Google Allows Users Instantly Delete Their Last 15 Minutes Search History

Google currently now allows users to delete their last 15 minutes of search history, according to reports.

The Alphabet-owned company announced this new privacy feature on Thursday, and others during its I/O 2021 event.

An animation with a blue background showing a privacy logo over a Google Search bar, surrounded by moving logos indicating privacy, security and customization.

This privacy feature will be released to the general public soon.

Product manager Search JK Kearns mentioned

that “People around the world turn to Google Search to find information and make important decisions.”

“We’re deeply committed to making sure you can do that safely and with the privacy you expect.”

Users can now view and delete their search history any time from the “My Activity” tab.

Let’s say you gave your personal device to someone else.

You don’t want them to go through your search history, you can choose to require extra verification for My Activity.


An image of a mobile phone showing the extra verification screen required to access Search data

Google is enabling Two-factor authentication for your privacy before your search history can be seen.

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For deleting your search history, you can instantly and continuously wipe out your search history from your Google account after 3, 18, or 36 months with auto-delete controls.

For new accounts, Google has set the auto-delete feature for user’s web & App activity for 18 months.

But that can be changed earlier or further by users.

An image of a mobile phone showing the option to delete the past 15 minutes of Search history on a user's Google profile

To quickly delete your last 15 minutes’ search history, tap the button in the mobile app or web “Delete last 15 Min”.

This feature is available in the Google app for iOS.

But is in the works for the Andriod Google app in the coming months.



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