Nollywood actress Halima Abubakar shared a video of her makeup-free face today. The 34 years old Nollywood actress said the video is directed at all the cyberbullies who act as judges on Instagram.
According to Halima, she had woken up in July last year to see her face filled with spots. She stated she had lost friends, a lover, and had been devastated. So, presently, she is in a state of mind where nothing can break her.
Halima was also quick to remind her followers that she bagged ten endorsements with this same face filled with spots.
See video below:
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However, she has uploaded a new video showing her new face after she went through the process of clearing the spots. Halima Abubakar said her intention is to encourage anyone going through what she went through last year. She stated that she cleared the spots without fear of judgement because she is fearless and strong.
See video below:
Recently, Halima Abubakar was trolled on Instagram by a follower who alleged that she was bleaching her skin. It was likely due to this allegation that the actress released these videos.
Celebrity trolls have become a norm on Instagram but our celebrities are not taking it sitting down. In your opinion, do you think Halima bleached her skin to clear her skin?