Unemployment is rife in Nigeria, and the job-to-applicant ratio has skyrocketed. The mentality of taking whatever you can get has never been more accepted. But this doesn’t mean every job that comes your way is really for you. So how do you know the right job to take? Here are a few things you have to consider before taking a job.
1. Benefits

The first thing you need to ask yourself is what benefits the job offers. No, your benefits do not include your salary. Besides your monthly salary, what perks are you being compensated with for the work you will be doing? Does the company offer health insurance? Is there a pension plan? Even assistance with transportation and accommodation has to come into question.
2. Work-life balance

Another important factor to consider is how much time you get for yourself. If you have been searching for a job for a while, it is easier for you to get roped into a job that does not give you any space to do other things. Many young adults fall into this trap and find themselves struggling to fit their lives around their jobs. Your job should fit around your lifestyle, not the other way round.
3. Job description

Before taking any job, you have to be clear on what the role entails. Different companies can have different titles for similar positions and it is easy to get confused. An office manager might end up just being a fancy nickname for cleaner. Always ask questions. Never assume. Don’t play yourself. Hold off on signing that agreement until you know what exactly you’re agreeing to.
4. Expectations

You need to be clear on what is expected of you on the job and if you would be able to meet up. If you want to avoid being overwhelmed, you have to consider the goals that are being set for you and your ability to meet them. There is nothing worse than burning out in your first month. If you find the work demands to be too much, discuss it with the hiring manager or human resources manager until you reach a compromise you can live with.
5. Room for growth

If you are looking to further your education while working, you should consider taking a job that caters to employee development. Some companies offer support for post-graduate studies. You should also ask about how they help employees better themselves with professional courses and workshops. You do not want to remain at the same level of education and expertise you started with after years of working.
6. Reputation

The reputation of a company should have some influence on your decision to work there. No one should work in a place they are not proud to tell people about. You cannot work with a company that has a bad reputation. If they do not have your respect, then you will not enjoy working there. On the flip side, if a company has a good reputation, you will have a more positive outlook on things and be motivated to work.
7. Commute

This is something to consider even before you apply for the job. How long does it take you to get to work? What is the traffic like? When will you get home? These things affect your quality of life, and consequently, the quality of your work. Don’t start what you cannot maintain. Before the body pains start, ask yourself if it’s worth it.
If you found this article helpful, this article will eventually come in handy. For more tips on finding the right job, click on this link.
The job market is rigged to favour the employers, so don’t ever feel bad for looking out for yourself.
Happy job hunting!