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LinkedIn Introduces New Reaction Features

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Professional social networking platform LinkedIn recently launched a new feature. It now lets you express, curiosity, love and other new reactions. The platform had earlier launched a version of Snapchat’s stories in 2018. And in February 2019, they introduced an invite-only, beta version of a live video tool.


LinkedIn has now added more reactions to its like button. This is in a bid to give users more expression tools. Now, you have more ways to express how you feel about posts in your feed. The buttons include reactions for curiosity, insight, celebration and love.


LinkedIn revealed this in a tweet on Thursday, 11th April 2019.



In a blog post, Cissy Chen of LinkedIn described the various uses of the reactions. The celebrate reaction can be used to “praise and accomplishment or milestone like landing a new job or speaking at an event.” The love reaction is to show support or that you can resonate with a person’s struggle.


The insightful reaction is to help “recognise a great point or interesting idea.” Meanwhile, the curious reaction helps to show that a user will like to learn more on a thought-provoking topic.


This, according to Chen, came because of the community feedback. The users wanted more ways to express their reactions to a post. This also helps to express more insight into why a post was liked.


Unfortunately, there is no reaction that represents laughter. Looks like LinkedIn does not find that professional enough for the platform.


The new feature will be available for web and LinkedIn mobile app users soon.


LinkedIn has been able to garner 610 million users in more than 200 countries since it launched in 2003.

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