According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), inadequate physical activity causes around 3.2 million deaths worldwide each year. This is why exercising is imperative.
Exercising gives numerous benefits to the body. The new study shows that people who exercise into old age are more independent. They can also perform everyday activities more easily.
Older adults who exercise regularly get to perform everyday tasks more easily and gain independence as shown by new research.
For older adults aged 65 and above, experts define physical activity as a combination of everyday tasks. They include work duties (if applicable), transportation, chores and exercises they do during leisure time, such as walking and swimming.
As recommended by WHO, older adults should do 150 minutes of moderately intense aerobic physical activity. They could also do 75 minutes of intense aerobic physical activity, during the week. Also, they should perform activities focused on muscle strengthening twice per week.
For older adults with mobility issues, they should also do physical activity to enhance balance on three or more days per week.
Adhering to this workout routine helps to improve cardiorespiratory and muscular functions. It also aids the reduction of the risk of depression and cognitive decline.
As reported by Medical News Today, a new study was conducted by researchers at the MedUni Vienna in Austria. It was led by the president of the Austrian Society of Public Health, Thomas Dorner and the head of Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, and Occupational Medicine of MedUni Vienna, Richard Crevenna.
They presented their findings at the European Public Health Week. It also appears in the Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift.
As explained by Dorner and colleagues, experts tend to divide everyday activities into “activities of daily living” (ADLs), such as getting up, eating, and drinking, and “instrumental activities of daily living” (IADLs), such as running errands and doing housework.
The results of the study revealed that people who exercise into old age are more independent and can perform everyday activities more easily.
As reported by Dorner,
“People who do the recommended units of exercise each week are three times more likely to be able to manage the ADLs and two times more likely to be able to perform the IADLs.”
Dorner stated,
“Approximately 10 exercises are recommended for the large muscle groups of the body. Each exercise should be done once initially, gradually increasing to two or three times, performing each exercise so intensely that it is possible to manage approximately 12–15 repetitions but no more.”
The result shows that among the study participants, only around one-third declared that they perform the recommended strength training each week. The researchers estimate that these tendencies represent what occurs all around Europe.
People who exercise into old age have a better cognitive function and are less likely to fall. The study also found that those who engage in physical activity develop more independence and have greater self-worth. This is of many benefits because it creates a positive chain reaction. The older adults will require less support and will, therefore, be less dependent on others.
The WHO states that older adults who exercise regularly are less likely to have high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. They also have lower rates of all-cause mortality, a higher level of cardiorespiratory fitness and a more healthful body mass overall.
The importance of exercising cannot be overemphasised. As quoted by Richard Crevenna,
“People of all ages should be more active, so as to stay healthy and independent for longer and remain self-sufficient. There is only one thing we can do: continue to strive toward greater public awareness!”